Sunday, October 7, 2007

My Singing Activities 我的唱曲活動


2007 年9月29日,在新加坡,为惹蘭固哥居委会暨屬下 粵韻新聲曲艺研究社主办“粵韻彩云追月” 中秋庆祝晚会。观众响应热烈支持, 滿座兼要另外加座位。 當晚,何金玉大姐和筆者,初次拍擋合唱何非凡紅線女的五十年代名曲“佛前燈照狀元紅”。筆者臨時随机在唱秋江別“謝愛妻,玉手相携”之间,加挿做手勢演岀剧情,幸得覌众接受,意想不到, 以掌聲鼓励。

29sept Mid-Autumn Cantonese Opera performance at Kereta Ayer CC.

On the same evening, there was another performance at Radin Mas CC. But the turnout to our performance was overwhelming. It was more than full house at the auditorium and it was necessary to add another 30 seats. Many fellow enthusiasts turned out and there were some surprises.

It was very heart warming, however, that veteran VIP, Joanna Wong, JP ( Chinese Theatre Circle and Chairperson of Pat Wor Hui Kun), and some supporters, came especially just to watch my performance and left the auditorium right after my show.

Ha, finally, at last, i.e. after two months of drilling practises, under the constant urging of the female vocalist, Auntie Hor Kum Yoke, we delivered to the delights of the audience. They seem to like it.

For one reason, it was exceptional in the sense that the song was short, only 14 minutes and it is not available on CD or VCD. Secondly, the ingredients, i.e. the melody and lyric were typically classic, compared to recent years popular 25 or 30-min duration songs available on VCD. Thirdly, of course, my partner and myself tried our best to mimic the singing styles of Hor Fei Farn and Hong Sian Nui, the masters of the 50's. The rendering was likened to remincense of yesteryears.

Furthermore, only the night before, whilst I was rehearsing at home, I tried to add hand and body gesture. And subsequently, during the actual performance, I subconsciously added gesture to dramatize the different parts of the role during male vocal singing. Examples, bowing to pay respect to the Buddha, pointing two fingers whilst criticising the wife who came to greet the new zhuang yuen (Emperor-appointed Top Imperial Scholar), lastly, admitting the mistake, bowing, thanking the wife and holding her hand, etc.

When I was bowing my head to admit "my mistake" to the wife, the audience applauded. And since they applauded, I bowed to the left and to the central and to the right, and there were more continuous applause from some of the audience. It was fun, even though only some of the audience was fooled by my bowing. The experience was delightful.

On my part when I was singing the second part, there was a little slip after I glanced at my partner, but I managed to realize and corrected instantly. Thanks to the blessing of Wah Kong Shi Fu.


以下活動畫面Slide Show說明:

笔者2004 年在新加坡Moulmein CC 和Chris Han 合唱冷月照梅宮。
和大班粤曲karaoke发烧友,在新加坡大芭窑西Toa Payoh West CC(主持吳艶珍,努苦功高),与四马路Waterloo RC共乐(主持沈惠碧,热心旡比)。

在2002, 2003,2004,2005,2006 年間, 筆者先后訪拜了大馬Malaysia各地曲藝場所做交流。首先,和三十名新加坡粵劇曲艺發燒友多次去了柔佛州彩虹花園Pelangi的“樂音軒“ 唱粵曲karaoke,接着幸得有方咪咪,黃宝禅,宝园,霍江寧前翬,余彩玲小姐引荐,和新加坡Connie Yuen,陳秀娇,苏雅皓,賀湘寧等人拜訪了吉隆坡,怡保的曲艺茶苑和社团,抱括了東安會館,益生業餘音剧社,南海會館,華光社,菊部曲藝社,和怡保万里望的馬華公会。

以下活動畫面Slide Show說明:

新加坡团2005年7月2日拜訪吉隆坡益生業餘音剧社。益生杨忠明社長,林金城先生,陈雲卿女士,陳鉅潻前軰等等。益生小生林鑄良和反串男花旦仇偉明合唱。筆者在吉隆坡益生和黃带蓮Agnes Wong合唱重台泣別。筆者和黃宝禅姐合唱艳曲醉周郎。

2006年三月十日,筆者訪大馬霹靋州怡保,万里望馬华公会, 幸得有夏先生,夏太太(陈金玉),陈彩玲招待,引荐。

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